The Master Genealogist v7.04.0000 英文正式版(記錄家譜軟體)
The master genealogist 是一套記錄家譜軟體。
The Master Genealogist (or "TMG") v7 is the gold standard in
family history software. Used by novices and professional
researchers alike, the latest version reinforces TMG's
reputation as the most powerful family history project
manager on the market while adding many new features to make
it easier and fun to use.
Estimate Master v5.13 英文正式版(適用於各種企業的分析預算軟體)
The Complete Genealogy Reporter v2010.100720 英文正式版(族譜創建和管理維護軟體)
Master Numerology v1.0 英文正式版(數字命理學軟體)
The Complete Genealogy Reporter v2013 Build 130601 英文正式版(族譜創建和管理維護軟體)
Auto-Master v12.25 German 英文正式版(完整的車輛管理)
The Complete Genealogy Reporter v2013 130702 英文正式版(族譜創建和管理維護軟體)
Termin Master v6.00 英文正式版(日程管理軟體)