Color Splash Studio v1.3 MacOSX 英文正式版(圖片轉換軟體)
ColorSplash 讓您通過轉換照片為黑白、但保留選定細節為彩色的方式,快速和方便的
通過直觀、靈敏的多點觸摸用戶界面, ColorSplash 為您帶來非常易用和愉快的操作體
The most powerful, comprehensive & intuitive application to help
you create amazing photography with selective colors!
Totally awesome features and tools:
- Integration with latest versions of iPhoto and Aperture
- High-end algorithm for fast and most impressive image processing
- Monochrome layers include grayscale, sepia and blue tone - ONLY
in Color Splash Studio
- ADJUSTABLE PARAMETERS for the brush: diameter, softness, opacity
- Adjustable parameters for grayscale and sepia layers:
brightness, contrast, blur
- Adjustable parameters for color layer: brightness, contrast,
blur, hue, saturation, exposure
- Selective BLUR for grayscale, sepia and color layers (100%
- Support of practically all image formats, including RAW files
- High resolution support ?up to 32 megapixels
- Sharing via most popular social networks
- INTUITIVE USER INTERFACE with a possibility to compare original
and resulting image, full screen mode, high-quality zoom to
identify smallest details, easy access to every single tool and
Color Splash Studio goes far beyond "old school" color splash
(selective colors) apps and doesn't put any limits to your
photography creativity.
Color Splash Studio v1.3 MacOSX 英文正式版(圖片轉換軟體)
Color Splash Studio v1.4.MacOSX 英文正式版(圖片轉換軟體)
Color Splash Studio v1.2 MacOSX 英文正式版(圖片處理軟體)
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