TheaterTek Advanced v2.5 英文正式版(Windows DVD播放軟體)
TheaterTek DVD是一款為熱衷家庭影院的人而設計的Windows DVD播放軟體。特點:完美的
螢幕寬高比控制,包括自動的寬高比切換;在螢幕上顯示高品質的圖像,包括: 一個螢幕
Explore the exciting world of digital audio with the
TheaterTek Advanced Audio Pack. High-quality DVD and audio
decoders support decoding of today's most popular digital
sound formats! To find out more, click on a feature below.
Complete Aspect Ratio control
High quality graphical on screen display
Bookmarks with Movie Start feature
Built-in Screen Saver
On screen video control
Built on decoders from NVIDIA
Supports Dolby Surround, Dolby Digital (AC-3)
pass-through, Digital multi-channel pass-through (S/PDIF),
LPCM, MPEG-1 Layer 2, and MPEG-2 2-channel audio format.
Supplied files for popular remote controls
A-B Repeat, Chapter, Title repeat
User-definable navigation controls
Parental Controls
International DVD Language support
Litex Media Advanced WMA Workshop v2.7.2 英文正式版(強大的音頻轉換器軟體)
iZotope RX Advanced v1.30 英文正式版(iZotope音頻處理軟體)
iZotope RX 4 Advanced v4.00.435 英文版(音效修復軟體)
Advanced MP3 WMA Recorder and Editor v7.3 英文正式版(聲音文件記錄軟體)
Litex Media Advanced WMA Workshop v2.7.4 英文正式版(強大的音樂格式轉文件軟體)
AoA Advanced X Video Converter v5.0.5 英文正式版(DVD拷貝軟體)
Litex Media Advanced WMA Workshop v2.6.2 英文正式版(強大的音頻轉換器軟體)